Thursday, August 12, 2010

Young Farmer with a Vision!!

Olwethu Z. Mhaga

Malizole Mbabama, of ST Cuthbert's @Tsolo has a dream and a vision of being a successfull farmer to improve the lives in rural areas.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

SADTU - EC: Red Alert March to Bhisho.

Olwethu Z. Mhaga Reports:

The South African Democratic Teachers' Union - SADTU in the Eastern Cape Province, had a march to the Provincial Legislature in Bhisho on the 25 May 2010.

The teacher unionists from all over the province, submitted their grievences to the Priemier Noxolo Kiviet and MEC Mahlubandile Qwase. The Memorandum to the MEC was handed over by SADTU Provincial Secritary Fezeka Loliwe.

Before Loliwe hand-over the memorandum to the MEC, the Chairperson of SADTU Fundile Gade addressed the masses. Gade in his address to fellow combrades noted the poor management system in the provincial department of education, corruption on the school nutrition programme and in scholar transport.

These projects seems to be the most troubled with a hyper level of corruption, the dark cloud is hanging over them. Gade regarded the tender irregularities provided by the DoE as ''the financial milking schemes''. Where there is a need for proper investigation.

This follows his address to the SADTU membership at TSOLO Branch on the 25 May 2010, at Tsolo Gade indicated that SADTU has a zero tolarence on corruption. He highlited excisting fraud on the scholar transport, alleged there are non-excisting routes that are only by the department of education which are being investigated. Gade also warned the teachers to very careful before they sign any document for scholar transport and school nutrition. These are the major strong holds of 'devil rulings' through corruption.

Gade also quoted acting Superintendent General Harry Nengwenkulu's remarks that addresses the department of education as rotten to the core.

Fezeka Loliwe as she handed-over the memorandum to MEC Mahlubandile Qwase, stated certain demands from SADTU to the DoE that include: Quality education system for all, abolish of the casual labours, reliesed of the school nutrition programme investigation, advertisment of posts to apoint subject advices, apointment of the permanent Superingtendent General, payment of the 37% to ECD and ABET employees, permanent apoint of the meal servers and ECD employees.

Loliwe continued by saying that SADTU refuse to work on poor working conditions, payment system should be improved. She also noted the full participation of SADTU in the interview process for the apointment of higher officials at the DoE. Another demand of SADTU is the openning of the colleges by 2011. In conclution to the demands SADTU also wants the effective payments of all the outstanding amounts.

Before his brief responce to the crowed Mahlubandile Qwase was dirupted and hauled for few minutes, as a signal of lack confidence from him by the teachers in the province and was regarded as incompetent, unfit to hold his office and needs to be relieved.

Through the interference of Fundile Gade, the MEC was given a chance to address the crowed in a brief and short speech version, where promised to consider the complaints and demands from SADTU, with his representatives in the DoE. He also apologies for the absence of the Priemier Noxolo Kiviet and stated that she was in Hospital.

The strike followed the fruitless meetings between SADTU PEC and the DoE on the 4, 5 and 6 of May 2010.

The strike was suppossed to take part on the 19 May 2010 due to legal concerns and implecations was postponed for the 03 June 2010.

It is alleged that the amount estimated to Hundred and 66 Million Rands dedacted for the 2007 strike, was used to pay increament of EDOs.

Friday, May 7, 2010

RULIV: Rural Visit and Sustainability.

TSOLO: ST Cuthbert's community had a visit from RULIV on 06-05-2010 - an indipendent institution that works together with the Eastern Cape Premier's Office, on rural development and sustainability. The visitors from RULIV were Sarhili Bashe, Thozamile Zondi and Toto Msaseni.

The meeting was held at Nkosi Bambela Mbabama- Ah!! Khabilanga's place in the afternoon.

According to Toto Msaseni, RULIV is not a financial/ funding institute, it only works with the community on the context of building, developing and improving the life standard of the rural areas - on how to eradicate poverty, reducing the rate of unemployment and provide skills development.

Msaseni continued by indicating that, RULIV works with people who already started the initiative such as projects - farming, pigery, poultry -etc, who are willing, interested and kin to develop themselves. RULIV provide them with advice and assistance that are vital to rural livelihood.

Dean Madala, who is a member of the ST Cuthbert's community highlited several attempts made by ST Cuthbert's that include Water Irrigation Schemes, Farming and Weaving during the former Transkei. Madala noted a lack of service delivery and co-operation from the curent government and municipality, to work hand in hand with the community to fullfil the vision, which resulted to their attempts to collapse due to lack of funds.

In addition, Nkosi Khabilanga, stated that the ST Cuthbert's community already have 1400 hectars of field, they are on ASGISA, have tractors, planted trees. Nkosi Khabilanga continues by saying that, ''As the community we need fencing to prevent livestock to the fields, ST Cuthbert's is also a tourist attraction site based on its Church - Mission which was established in 1882 and ST Lucy's Hospital by the missionaries, we also have caves and bushmen paintings'' said Khabilanga.

However, Nkosi Khabilanga signaled his disappointment from governments - provincial and national on the decission to down size or close the ST Lucy's Hospital since the is a newly established Dr Malizo Mpehle Memorial Hospital which was opened last year by MEC of Health Phumulo Masuale, at Tsolo Town 15 km from ST Lucy's Hospital.

Nkosi Khabilanga concluded his statement by saying that, '' Kudala abantu befika apha koMkhulu besenza izithembiso baphele emehlweni, singaze siphinde sibabone. Bazityebisa ngathi, ngako oko sidiniwe ngamaxoki''. He also highlited the empty promisess made by the minister of Public Works, Geoff Doidge last year as one of great disappoints.

In closure Msaseni said, '' the community should not depend to the government only for their development, people must stand up on their own and do things for themselves''.

Msaseni, also adviced the community, that when there is a person who made promises to them, they should sign a contract stating the promise, so that it can be an easy form to make a follow-up, in order to avoid empty promisess and victimisetion.

RULIV avail themselves to be utilized by the community in all levels for its development.

Olwethu Z. Mhaga.